Ben Smith at the politico tries to desperately get the Democrat house in order by pilling on..
Jewish voters may be wary of Palin
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Barack Obama has struggled for 18 months to lock down the support of a traditionally Democratic group, Jewish voters. In the past week, John McCain may have helped Obama with his Jewish problem by choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.
McCain and Obama are battling over a portion of the Jewish community: older, conservative Democrats, largely in South Florida, some of whom backed Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. McCain’s secular, hawkish credentials appeal to many in that group, who are skeptical of Obama’s relatively short record and have been deluged with rumors about his pro-Palestinian leanings.
But Democrats hope Palin’s social conservatism, her paper-thin record on Israel, and – perhaps most importantly – her cultural roots in evangelical Christianity may be a major turnoff to Jewish voters, just as Republicans have tried to reach women disappointed that Obama didn’t choose Hillary Clinton,
Democrats have already begun to to capitalize on the choice of Palin – over Jewish Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman – in South Florida and elsewhere. A prominent Obama backer, Florida Rep. Robert Wexler, has attacked Palin for appearing at a 1999 event with Pat Buchanan – who has attacked the influence of the Israeli lobby in America. And the same factors that are rallying the evangelical base to Palin may push away the Jews.
What is astounding is that the Democrats think they have a winning issue here. One would have to be a moron to overlook the fact that Obama blows with whichever direction the wind is in, any statement he makes or has made on Israel, the Middle East, The Arab World, Iran is likely to change depending on the mood around him, he’s fickle and he’s weak. His advisers want to dramatically engage in the Palestinian process according to his chief foreign affairs surrogate Susan Rice, that can only mean one thing: Massive pressure for unwarranted concessions and an American FORCED fake peace that will bring all new heights of violence, and result in the slaughter of untold innocent Israelis to terrorists.
Obama & Biden are both weak on Iran, weak on Islamic Fundamentalism, Biden himself still holds to the concept that Shia & Sunni rivalries trump Israeli and Jewish hatreds in the Muslim Arab world, a uniquely unqualified view which in effect despite his so called experience is in direct contradiction to fact regarding Hezbollah, Hamas, Syrian & Iranian ties all around Israel and now Iraq as well. These two politicians prefer to appease Iran..
The Preacher in the Attic
Obama and his family spent the last 20 years in a Church with a rabble rousing Palestinian loving anti-semite as its lead preacher. A man who’s hatreds are not limited to Israel, but include America and White People with Jews elevated to a very secial platform of hate. Black Power as it is often called invariably involves scapegoating American Jews, I find it hard to believe that this kind of record enamors American Jews more than a hard working Governor mother from Alaska?
If this is the only issue for these voters, and it surely is not. Given the choice between Evangelical Church goers who are traditionally the strongest group for advocacy on Israel in America, versus a black nationalist anti-semitic preacher with a 20 year record of Jew hatred, the only person with a problem is Mr. Obama. Ben Smith can bandy the talking points about all he likes, it won’t change the facts.
Comedy Central
As for capitalizing on the choice of Palin over Lieberman, who quested to dump Lieberman the Orthodox Jew from his seat, who threw Lieberman out of the party and laced his previous campaign with anti-jewish hatreds? Why that was the Democrats. Who has stated for months that on Jewish issues concerning Israel the choice is clearly McCain over Obama, why that was Lieberman himself.. Who spoke last night at the GOP convention, it was not a Jews for Jesus preacher, it was not the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, it was not even the until now never heard of Rep. from Florida Mr. Wexler.. But Joe Lieberman.
If this is a battle of character, a battle for Jewish voters, those Democrats and their tuchus licking press sure have a funny view of capitalizing because their candidate is pulling the lowest amount of those voters in recent history, I wonder why that is?
LINK UPDATE: Gateway Pundit / Founding Bloggers destroy the question entirely with a list of painful highlights for the Obama camp, along with some good advice.. Don’t go there.